Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Peruvian Dali Lama

Yepper  Its A Dog Gone Hot Day,
But Still All In All
Ders Gold In Dem Dar Hills

To my friends
I'm in need of negotiating some

So,I am looking for a way to liquidate,
or otherwise collateralize properties
of value to negotiate a financial future.
This is especially true since,

I am now in the mist of a four year 
struggle with Cancer and an ongoing
medical involvement.

Please take a look through my works,
accumulated over a life time,
I am offering a Ten to One
Pay Back for contributions.
 By and with the Grace of God
I will be glad to see the opportunity
go both ways.
You will find some interesting reading especially
in Next Generation Helicopters

(see) "profit and loss".
and also assets in litigation below, 
intended to give the reader an idea of
how predicaments occurr, and a sense of

the situation as it lies ahead. And how it is turned
around from the Loss Column to The Profit Column.

I've Sort of gone Public but with the intention to
Clear the Air.

I believe the it is a good time

for rising up to the occasion 
to level the playing field and to enterprise 
Vision and HELSAR as Viable Prospective Investments.

I Can Do This With A Little
Help From My Friends.
I appreciate any help you can give,
my hospitalization,(Cooper Cancer Center, Camden) 

will put me out of business for a while,
Up until the cancer event my plans were to finance in
the usual ways. For the last decade
I have an eight member family plus, in the
Philippines, that are dependent on me.
I planned on setting up a trust for them.
Our futures look a little glim now,
and is why, I am seeking Angel Capital
using a crowd funding format. Funding will
allow me to find and or get me to, asset management
professionals and investors.

Thanks For Dropping By
Photos of a few of my kids there.

First Day of School for this Little Guy

  Ahhh, . That's Better

Thanks For Dropping By

In regards to Monetizing the variety of aspects that concern,
ongoing financial valuations that involve my assets as an estate
or as the holdings of a Securities Exchange Negotiation, 

In this case negotiable as speculation of
Intellectual Property Assessments

 In this case, (a painting),
and has been
entitled firstly as the
Eastern Sky,

it became the Iconic Idol and then the Premonition.
The Choice of Titles are available to the collateralization 

It was painted in the 1990's giving the
piece a distinction concerning the valuation,

discovered in later years
Therefore of the recent last century a varied title history.
It has been the subject of considerations to a reproduction,

either poster commercial or painting reproduction, the values of
sales amount to be the same in any case. Therefore in respect to
the valuation of the single piece, an amount of one dollar is applied
to the returns in profit, for the sale of one million pieces,
(A Limited Edition).
The correctness and feasibility of the pricing goes without mention,
as it is seen as a collectible, in respect to controversy that has
earned it the title
"The Iconic Idol" A professional printer distributor

will be needed to analyze and create the market and
sales at a minimum return to the seller(s) of one dollar per sale.

At this time a newly created rendition is in the plan.
The rendering here represents the original painting.
The piece will be available at the time when
the size for display can be determined.
The below sketch is considered,
"Poster Art"

The Iconic Idol

This represents the painting
absent the copyright sign.

This print has been created from
an original registered copyright by
the author
It is the subject of reproduction
to collectors of, "one of a kind"

Contributions In Support

Contributions of any amount are received with open arms..
 I will post amount totals received, and keep a personal
email record system to address issues such as maximums
and other accountings on a password protected page
for Certificate Buyers..

The Loan pay back amount is primarily based on
1. The corporate sale of,
( the sale shares is not being offered, only the sale
of AD Lender Notes, . shares raise capital on
another level under State and Federal Regulations),

Vision Computer and HELSAR
Asset Development shares to include
the deductible amount necessary to
provide the pay back,
and or
2. The collateralization or sale of
Art works amounting to the pay back amount.
Tentative Maximum 50,000
paying back 500,000.
How will it be paid back ?
How reliable is it ?
What are the Risk ?
I will not use your names or personal information's except

in Communications With You.. 
Feel free to contact me anytime,

Painting Authentication Research

Von: Finch, P]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. März 2014 11:46
Cc: Pitthard Vaclav; Schreve, Danielle
Wichtigkeit: Niedrig

Dear Mr Poole,
Thank you for your enquiry about dating paint. I have contacted my colleague Dr
Pitthard who now works in Vienna and am awaiting a reply. I presume that the paint
("latex") is what I would know as emulsion i.e.
water-based and suspect that dating such might be difficult. I believe that there
are databases of pyrolysis gas chromatograms of vehicle paints kept for forensic
purposes but the data for emulsions is probably more fragmentary. Certainly there
are studies of acrylics and such by pyroly

General Foresight
In making a contribution to this funding campaign
 entitles you to your share in interest bearing
Lender Notes
Monies will be used to monetize any or all assets,
represented as those involving the progress and goals
of the business here in,  Asset-Ventures
this will be accomplished by professional assessment,
corporate law, accounting, IP insurance policies,
Personal Estate management,

Asset - Ventures

Next Generation Helicopters
Book In Progress
Invention and Design Illustrations

Assets in Litigation

You need to read "Profit and Loss"
in " Next Generation Helicopters"

This is what the competition looks like.

These are the manufacturers of Helicopters
They are accomplished in producing a fine craft with a capable future.
For the time being SAR demands are governed by hovering
capabilities and it seems that the present day helicopter
qualifies for getting the job done.
Helicopter, Tilt, Rotary Wing or Unmanned,
they are all vertical lift air craft
SAR life line equipment bears

a common characteristic, it functions to
advance efficiency and safety factors,
that will accomplish the mission.
   So, . . 
Is HELSAR still in there, amongst these giants?
You bet it is!
 Concept art is the, "stuff
that dreams are made of ", and, . .
it is also the stuff
that blue prints are made of.
Since concepts by law are
protected by public disclosure,

HELSAR could easily be in a
position of leverage.
A position to offer 10/1.
Using It for Angel Capital,
taking it to the next level,
from lender notes to corporate shares,
Vision and HELSAR are both
good prospects but Vision will be the
one that is most likely to succeed
because it is easier to understand the market,
  and it is a piece of universal equipment. 

I know this is a request for a contribution,
but why not clear the way to give back,

Will you Get your Share ?

Plan B
Asset Development
Design Book for;Posted ;
11:10 AM 3/15/2015
Disclosure of  
Design In Development
Copyright In Progress

Prefabricated Room Pieces
to place in Ground as Cellar
and Room Above, Installed
after Excavation, the assembled
Cellar Piece is Lowered on to a
deflatible air bag contained inside
the excavation. Then the top

room parts are delivered, assembled
 and a Politan Home is now part

of your Landscape Realestate

Here's my deal.

My offer to you in efforts to support the Funding
Start-UP Business Plan, you may choose to
Purchase a 10-1 Lender Note
Purchase Art or Items that may be for sale from another
link you can connect to concerning other projects,
among a list of blog pages found near the
bottom of this page. 

The general plan will be to place several projects
into a holding company and underwrite the securities
creating  a Hedge Fund, these securities are sold as
 asset development and profit sharing notes.

Projects like Vision and HELSAR are large,
and cover a lot of ground, changes and advancements
happen and opportunities need to be examined to protect

 them from risk, therefore pooling capital resources

giving asset development a broad range of coverage,
is necessary.

Funds will be used to organize the company

and pay the cost of litigation.

10-1 Lender Notes will be paid back by taking a percentage of the

sale of asset development securities, i.e., (assets sold to the corporation

for profit sharing to investors.)

When you purchase a Lender Note, you will receive a receipt that

will serve you as a redemption certificate.

Redemptions will be available per the sale of  venture shares to investors
Fifty percent of every incoming
dollar above 
received from the sale of shares to investors 
who have invested in the Company
Production Manufacturing Contracts
Leading to sales and distribution of 
VISION Computer Products 
will be used for remunerations.
Your Redemption Certificate
Entitles you to access to the accounting
for these transactions.

.In the case that monies ventured into this "Angel Capital Plan"
(Hedge Fund)
for any reason were to fail, then your redemption will

depend on the sale of reproduction art, specifically,
the "Iconic Idol", this plan depends on
your judgement and trust.

Prints will be the product.
You may purchase Lender 
Notes in any amounts
over ten dollars.

© Copyrights All Rights Reserved Jople March 2015

 ADLN, (Asset Development lender Notes will be made available
to every contributor who has provided an EM address,
Hard copies will also be made available .  

For  the purchase of an Asset Development Lenders Note

Use the Donate Button, Since Varying Amounts Over Ten
Dollars is the Choice of the Contributor-Purchaser, At the time of 

Contribution the Contributor-Purchaser Receives an Online Printable

Payment Confirmation and or Receives a Payment Authorization by Email.

Either One of These Will serve as a Redemption Certificate.
Updated Accounting Information About the ADLN
Will be Posted.

Feel Free To Make Contact Regarding
Any Concerns and or the site construction of a Password  Protected Financial Recordings.

For Credit Card Use
Please Look On Lower Left Of
PayPal Donate Page For:
Use Your Credit Card or Bank Account
"Click" - > Then Continue

Design Book for;
Posted ;
10:22 AM 3/16/2015
Disclosure of  
Design In Development
Copyright In Progress

Prefabricated Room Pieces
to place in Ground as Cellar
and Room Above, Installed
after Excavation, the assembled
Cellar Piece is Lowered on to a
air bag contained inside the excavation,
It is then lowered by Deflation
Then the top room parts are delivered,
assembled and a Politan Home is now part
of your Landscape RealEstate

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